Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Preggo Pic 23 weeks

Well, I had a couple of requests for pregnant pictures. I have to say that there isn't too much to see yet, but I am definitely "thickening" around the middle. Here is a picture of me at 23 weeks (a couple of weeks ago). Everything is going well, I am feeling baby move and we are getting more and more excited for this new addition to our family.

In more news, my sister is due March 19 and we are excited to welcome her little one as well. She is dilated to a 3, so we are waiting for news anytime. Please pray for a safe and healthy delivery for her :)

We had a shower this weekend and she is doing well.
Haddie had lots of fun helping. She was very good and sat quietly for (most of) the shower. She did a great job of entertaining everyone.


the Wonderspools said...

Whoa! What's this? You're preggers? When are you due?
Congrats! Love ya!

Jen said...

Oooh, you are so tiny again! Congrats!