Thursday, July 9, 2009

Old Settlers Days

So these pictures are a bit old, but while Brendon was in Washington D.C. with the youth group, my mom came out for a few days and we went to Metamora's Old Settlers Days festival. The girls had a blast, and so did we, despite the really hot weather.

Mom and the girls rode the big ferris wheel. It actually went pretty fast. Brooklyn and I stayed behind to watch, and even from the bottom I could hear Haddie yelling "Caw, caw, I'm a bird!" Grandma said they were flapping their "wings" and everything. How cute! Haddie also had to be told by the ride operator not to rock the car. Uh-oh, a troublemaker from the beginning.

Riding the little ferris wheel all by themselves. Looking down apprehensively.

Feeding and petting the fawns. They absolutely loved this; I could hardly get them out of the pen.

Haddie rode the big slide all by herself. I offered to go with her, but she marched right up the stairs and came down like a pro. She is so indepedent these days. Sigh, growing up so fast...

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