Thursday, June 5, 2008

Wedding Bells

This weekend we went to my cousin, Chris' wedding and had lots of fun with family!

My uncle John has a trampoline that Haddie loved jumping on. Of course, lamby had to come too!

Grampa and Sierra play while we wait for the bride and groom to come out.

My sister Mel's fiance, Lucas blowing bubbles with Haddie. You can tell it was humid that day by looking at her hair.

Grandma too both girls on the trampoline to play. Sierra is fast catching up to her sister in size!

Walking from uncle John's to Great Grandma's house in the wagon.

What a cutie pie! This is one of Sierra's favorite faces to make. She is always sucking in her bottom lip.


Jen said...

I love the pic of Haddie on the trampoline- what a great shot!

Anonymous said...

They are such beautiful girls Jacinta!