Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Joining the digital community

For my birthday, Brendon got me a digital camera!! I have been wanting one forever, and am thrilled to finally catch the digital wave. I hope this will mean I will be able to make more frequent posts (fingers crossed). It will be so nice not to have to wait to get film back from the store. I also hope this will teach me to take better pictures, since I can do more trial and error. So, here are my first shots on the new camera...

This is Sierra in her favorite kneeling position video with Haddie's favorite video series in her hands.

Here is Haddie showing off her crocs, shoes she can put on all by herself. What a big girl. It makes getting ready so much easier, not to mention that they were a super garage sale find.

1 comment:

Mrs. DuPuis said...

Hooray for more frequent news from the Ulrichs! Happy Birthday, Jac!